Tomey autorefkeratometers are an integral part of modern eye diagnostics. High measurement accuracy combined with a very short examination period and ease of operation make working with the Tomey RC-800 professional and fast. You can control and configure the RC-800 using the joystick and touch screen - all in a fraction of the time.
5.7 color touch screen is used as operational control and also to display all measurement values. All commands can be executed using the touch screen.
Once you have captured your patient's eye, you can adjust the pupil and corneal measurements to a custom diameter. These values will be saved, displayed and printed.
The RC-800 is very easy to operate. By adjusting the optical head to the patient's eye, the measurement is automatically performed by the device itself.
RC-800 measures central (Ø 3mm) keratometric values in 1 second. You can take readings from the cornea or the back of the RGP contact lens.